Increase followers and likes instagram
Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you, my followers
wolf information site
In a new explanation and a new statement, God willing
Lots of Instagram users or Instagram app
Looking for ways to increase followers and likes
Today we are going to tell you about the best way
Easily increase followers and likes on instagram
First. We download the program, the download link is below the article
Action Steps
After installing the program, we enter it
It will show us a window
And it has a square that we put a ☑ in front of it
and then
We choose ☜ Old Blackin Roses
We are adding a fake account
Note * You must have a fake account
If you do not have an account, follow the instructions below
☜ Click here
After adding the fake account
We press log in
Then a window appears with several options
We explain the first steps in the program
There will be two options in front of you in the color of gold
The first one on the left is to follow
And the second one on the right is like and comment
Where these options show how many points we have in the program
Move to
Assembly method within this program
The assembly method is through two options
First. By watching ads, you earn 5 points
Through this option ☟
rikan bakir
You can choose these points to continue
oh i like
by choosing
Railroad Vallow ☜ means to follow
Public Railroad ☜ means to like
And you can use this method
Collect a lot of points
As for the second method of assembly
by choice
keg begir
at the bottom of the page
We note several options
Here you have two options
Either you collect manually, and by that we mean collect clicks
Through this option
Value +1 skeet
As for the second option
automatic assembly
Through this option
valoo khodkar
You can accumulate points differently
We mean, for example, that you want to assemble
To continue, press
This option is at the top of the page
You can collect like points
By clicking on the Like option at the top of the page
After accumulating a sufficient number of points,
We go to the 'Install svarsh' option at the bottom of the page
And click on the search mark
located at the top of the page
And clean the name of the account that
We want to send followers or likes to him
Then it will show the account to which we want to send followers or likes
It will look like this
If you want to send followers
You click on ☜ Darkhost Vallow
Note that you must have at least something
From points 50 rails
Then you select the number of followers according to the number of points you have
and click on ☜ install svarsh
to send
Followers have been sent
As for the rentals?
You will click on the photo or video you want to send the likes to
Then a new window will appear
You click on severash like
It specifies the number of likes
Note that you must have 50 rental rails
and press
install svarsh
It takes a little time
And the increase to your account will start working, whether it is
Follow or like
If you don't understand how
Watch the next video
Download links ☟
Program download link ☟
☟ or from this link
We have completed our explanation for today
bless you and me
Hamoudi Altheeb
All rights reserved ©
wolf for info
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